Kadenze Blog
Jun 22, 2016 // Work
Tech Used → Wordpress // PHP

Kadenze brings together educators, artists, and engineers from leading universities across the globe to provide world-class education in the fields of art and creative technology.
I lead development on the company's Wordpress blog. Over the years it has gone through 3 major design iterations and has migrated between hosting providers. As lead developer, I implemented the design team's vision on each page. I developed a custom theme built ontop of the Uncode template. I wrote backend code to track the user's visited blog categories, so that our web app's API could show users relevant courses based on their reading interests. I developed an email tracking system using Sendgrid's API.
Besides development, I also provisioned servers, created staging enviornments, added version control via Git, documented our development and deployment process, and installed a CDN and SSL using Let's Encrypt. I also reworked our asset loading and database queries, helping improve performance. This, coupled with switching our hosting providers, helped bring down the Time to First Interactive (TTFI) by up to 600%.